Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dragon Ball Bulimia Taking A Shower

I have finally time to blog again, though the reason is anything but pleasing. I was caught a nasty cold that is and I say more or less confined to bed

Even the whole day I lie in bed, suffering to myself and pray inwardly want it to end. But somehow it does not seem to want to quit.

After about 20 packages tissues consumed the whole morning any stupid programs on television, and the small grooves on the ceiling counted, I could finally pull myself together, wrap it in thick and scurry over to the PC.

A glance out the window and it satisfies me shivers all over again: The snowflakes dancing around like mad in the air, the pine trees swaying in the wind langam and look as far as I can I see snow-covered roofs.
Yes, winter can already be unpleasant: freezing. Cold. Wheezing. Cough. Snow slide. Car scratch. Too late. Slipping. Curse.
snow storms. Cold. Black ice. Bare trees. Red fingers Noses.
welcome in winter.

But winter has many beautiful sites such as the imminent end of Christmas. Whether we will probably have a white Christmas this time?
That would be just fantastic and I hope very much.

What makes me even more worried, however, is the fact that I have always worried a single Christmas present. This time the racing is the only way out and the next week is so stressful that I do not know when I come to it.

Why is it properly so that we make during the Christmas season so much stress? Should not that be different? If the Christmas season instead not be quiet and contemplative?
Yes they should. But what should be and what now is indeed the case, are two different things. At the latest when I walk in the Christmas season through the city, I feel peace and quiet of this absolutely nothing. People rush as stressed, hungry animals through the stores, it will push ahead, pushed and groaned to himself. At times also the elbows are used, to get to your destination.
And I see now already in the middle of this mass, far from any rest.

Why is it then that whenever we replace a stressed Advent exactly the opposite must learn?

is probably because we do have the perfect party. We want to give all our love and make her happy, it must make many errands and generally is this festival will be unique and beautiful. Often we then expectations of us, we do not can meet and then we fall into a vortex of annoyance, stress and strain. This is of course a very beautiful one. But I am convinced that there is another way. Our loved ones but do not expect perfect or even an expensive gift from us. It's the thought that counts. We do not need a perfect tree, where he has been decorated with love and creativity. We do not need any expensive Christmas, when it can make itself comfortable with little things. We do not need to stress when we know that we will be with our family together and it will be a great party-no matter whether we have now found the right gift or not. We need not a part of the rushing mass in the city, if we know that all the anger and stress does not pay. That is why I'm going to make firm, to address the matter quiet and serene. For it is not meaning of Christmas that we fall in Sun so hectic. No, it really should not be. Instead, I light a candle rather, by three deep breathe and listen to carols. Songs in which there is to the real: to rest, contemplation and peace.
I wish you all a contemplative, relaxing, especially December!



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