Thursday, December 16, 2010

Coriander Plant, Reddish

A thick skin

Sometimes it would be nice to have a thick skin. A hard shell that surrounds us like a shield, and everything negative can bounce off of us.
A strong shell that repels all what we want to get too close and pull down.
Would not it be nice sometimes to be able to hide the bad feelings easily? ;
How convenient it would be just zuzulegen a thicker skin, so we are not as sensitive are. Sensitive to all that since so einprasselt us every day.

Unfortunately, no one asks then if you have you bought a thick fur. You have to have it. You do want a hard shell when you stand the cold world. You have to build your own tank, which you can protect yourself.

I sought shelter from the everyday. Protection from the things that would not see. Protection from the words that would not hear. Welfare, the feelings that would not feel.

But sometimes I feel all this without any protection.

I do not have thick skin. Rather, I am surrounded by a thin, delicate skin, the contents of me sometimes seems more than fragile. And it can be cold with such a skin. Damn cold.

If I were a turtle, I had a strong tank and you could not touch me.

If I were an elephant, I would have a thick skin, would feel great and powerful.

If I were a polar bear, I could have a thick skin and all the cold harm me.

But I'm me. Without tanks, without thick skin without fur.

And yet, it will go. It must go. For no one asks for.
How nice it would be sometimes but to have a thicker skin ...


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