Monday, December 27, 2010

A Golden Desert Eagle For Sale


The holiday season is now over. There was a time of secrets, dreams, wishes and desires. Have your needs met at Christmas?

Unfortunately, not all wishes are fulfilled. Not every dream can be realized. Not every desire can be satisfied. Not every secret can be revealed.
There are dreams that will always remain dreams.
And from dreams that are fulfilled, make new dreams. We have an eternal Kreiß run. As a child we dream. We dream as a youth. Even when we grow up, we dream. Throughout our lives we dream. The only difference that our dreams change over time. As we change, are changing with us, our dreams and aspirations. Unfortunately this is not the case with all people. There are people who seem to have forgotten how to dream. This is really very unfortunate. Because dreams are important. You give us the power to fight and to survive difficult times. They give us new hope. You awaken in us and Illussions fantasies. They give us courage and confidence. They are just very special. And they are valuable. Each of us has his own, very different dreams. Some small, insignificant. Some large, significant.

What has a man even if he has lost the ability to dream?
has in my view such a person absolutely nothing.

One of my dreams was to be found in this year's love.
This dream has not come true. Instead, there were disappointments and tears.
It is disappointing to learn that love is unrequited.
It is violated if one does not receive the attention which they so eagerly wants.
It is incredibly hard to admit that we simply do not fit together. The fact that you have met the wrong people. Here we had hoped so much, its counterpart, find to be part of the puzzle.

But I should now cease to hope? Should I now stop dreaming?
No, I will not. says
The hope that one day every wish can be fulfilled.
Some dreams can be realized. Some desires can be satisfied. Some secrets can be revealed. One day.
The dream continues.
The dream will never end.


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