Friday, December 3, 2010

Raylene Richards Milk

manufactured with the crisis. No stress

I'm healthy again. And over the moon about it. Is there anything better after an illness to get up and feel like all life, all joy, all the motivation and energy slowly flows through the body?
The joy of life has me back today and bubbled out of me like a wild waterfall. At last, no longer in bed. Finally back out. Finally people can around me, that I laugh, eat and talk. That has really done very well.

course it was not bad or long illness. But even a harmless flu virus can tug at the uncanny forces. It weakens not only the body but also the soul. But the stronger you feel, when one is finally over. Suddenly you feel full of life and stronger than ever.
So it is good and important that there are crises that we must live through and overcome. They remind us what happiness means. And they give us new strength so that we have bad times behind us and full of confidence in the future with confidence. And I'm not somehow grateful for every crisis in my life?
she has not experienced me in retrospect, made wiser and stronger?
she have done their part to ensure that I am now the one I am?

develop through crises we are on. And that's good. Even if we accept the first, when the crisis is behind us.

Fortunately, there are just small crises, by which we live, but that give us great happiness, if we have finally been overcome. Perhaps it sometimes not even call it a crisis. Maybe it was just a bad day. Or a bad week
Whatever. It is beautiful in any case always when dark days finally may end and the lucky again river holds. I have also greatly missed, happiness.
nice that it is bright again.

I wish you a crisis-free week. ;-)



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