Sunday, November 21, 2010

Do Military Men Wear Thongs And G Strings


Today we baked the first Christmas cookies.

It was a great feeling when they were finally finished.

Although we have only November and it will take a bit to the advent, but the anticipation is on the Christmas season already in the air.

Can you feel it already?

I can smell them when I walk through our house and perceive in every corner of the scent of freshly baked cookies.

I can hear it when I come back all the Christmas music in the sense that I will soon listen again every day.

I can see it when I stroll through the city, in the Christmas market is already in the wings and I can see how Christmas lights en, fir trees and numerous market stalls are set up.

And I can feel it. With each passing day.

mysterious mood. Brightly lit streets. Bright eyes. Many goodies. The feeling of tension and curiosity. Other people can give much pleasure. Give and be blessed.

Christmas, the time is full of little and big surprises.
Every year on New's. And it still is beautiful.

As a child I could hardly expect more, until it finally was. With each passing day the tension became larger. Sometimes I feel today like the small, curious girl from back then. And that's a wonderful feeling.

Now I want to show you some pictures of our place:

; ;




orange chocolate Cookie

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season!



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