Thursday, November 4, 2010

Charles Playhousetrain

New power

the weekend it was time again :

The clocks were switched to winter time and we were thus given an hour. For me, that hour was actually a gift. Time is precious. And sometimes one will unfortunately again only aware when you do a lot and hardly feel hat.Dann time for himself and his friends are suddenly reminded of how beautiful and important it is to be able to take time for the things that you really care about is lying.

moment of things influenced my time that I make no fun. But in some ways I do like them anyway. Because they contribute to chores that I can later do something that I really like. And that's what matters. Many roads lead to Rome. And often these trails are rocky and make our lives difficult. Then suddenly we know nothing at all, are anxious and helpless. Because sometimes it's not just a lot of stones. Sometimes it is also to heavy stones lying around there through. Fortunately, there are always solutions to removing these stones from the way they were ever so hard. But this takes time. Time it has perhaps not always, or just do not want to have. Above all, it takes our power. Force that can not always. Force which is eventually consumed. . Power that you have to fill up new

had in recent days, I really feel at the end of my powers to be, that the stones are too heavy and numerous for me to actually get to your destination. I had decided to catch up now from high school and am still on this decision. In a few months everything will be over, because the tests are very early this time. But the pressure is great and pulls every day of my ability. So I pulled the brake on the weekend and allowed myself a day off. One day when I took time for me and my family. One day I wanted to spend in nature. A day without all these worries and fears. A day to recharge. New power.

For me there is nothing better than this power to fill out in nature. In the current year it is there on top. I love the many different colors of the leaves and the fresh air that turns my cheeks red. I love the wind that sweeps through my hair. I love the smell of the forest, I could smell all the time. I love the noise. Leaves rustle. Cars in the distance. A crow crowing from somewhere. Branches cracking. I love everything about nature. Above all it is peace and quiet. This heavenly peace. For me, a blessing.

Sometimes I wonder whether other people in their different nature and at the same time magnificent color perceive as much as I do. For I have more and more the feeling that many people have lost the eye for the beauty of nature. Although they are surrounded by nature, but they do not see them. At least, not really. It seems sometimes to be so. I think one has to admit that it is also just as many people.

When I come from such a walk back home, I immediately feel like a new person. Happy, fresh and powerful. Full of new energy and drive. This is a wonderful feeling. It is the feeling of having fueled new energy. Just as we need to fill up our car or recharge our cell phones, we must, sometimes we "fill up" themselves. This may sound strange, and certainly we can not so easily connected to any pump or to a cable in and it's done. :-) That would be too easy.
No, everybody has to find out for themselves how and by what means he can recharge your batteries. And that is sometimes not easy.
For me, the next to a walk, be a conversation with a good friend. Sometimes even a thought of something beautiful that awaits me or that I experienced have. And almost always there are memories that drive me. Memories of beautiful, but also the past. Times I want it back. continue periods for which it pays and to fight, no matter how bad you feel now. There are the beautiful moments, these happy moments that we remember back to us again and again, for it always pays to keep going and sometimes go through difficult times. Because that is something that is really important and we will always be new strength.

In this sense,
all love,

Photos: weheartit


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