Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What A Great Place In Hawaii All Inclusive

At that time everything was different.

But that also means automatic that everything was better back then? Many older people say exactly when they think back with nostalgia of old days gone by. But the younger people get nostalgic when they travel back mentally in the time of their childhood, where life still so wonderfully carefree, loose and lightweight. When I think back to my own childhood, so I got them from like a long, carefree summer that never seemed to come to an end. Although it certainly was even then the odd thunderstorm cloud, so I can remember to this day any more.
I am convinced that a happy childhood is the greatest and most wonderful gift from parents make their child. My parents gave me this unique and fabulous gift, and I am now very happy and grateful.

There's a great quote by Jean Paul:
"With a childhood full of love but you can economize a half life long for the cold world."
me for a remarkable, very special quote. A quote in which truth is tight enough.
Sometimes I think even without my vitality to withstand the cold world out there can not. A zest for life that had its origins in childhood. Because at that time I learned what happiness means and this I have not forgotten to this day.

Some days I feel, however, forgotten how to have it. Then I look for happiness in vain. But I know that it is still there. Deep inside of me. And if I believe it will ever reappear. Again and again and again.

In the last two days I felt especially good. There were really no reason for it. It probably is, though, that it is received this week a little quieter than in previous weeks. No exams, no stress, no overtime. And finally we make some time to talk with friends and a little fooling around, instead of only focusing strictly on work. This must also be just sometimes. And I am glad that the concerns brought by a bit in the background and my thoughts drifted back in a fun, relaxed way.

Moreover, I am also very excited about two new readers, I would like to welcome you on my blog.
I very much hope that you enjoy my articles and I am for criticism of any kind at any time.

Today I talked to some nice people as to what in recent years changed everything. That was of course a lot.

time so everything was different. And better. Really?

There were no phones and no Internet. The people had other ways to communicate. Today, however, is all that normal. It is normal that you need to appeal to a person not more but to simply write. It is normal that in social networks, half of his life or at least a large part of which is on display. It is normal that you just typed e-mails and personal messages, instead of a letter, the lines have been placed with his own hand and ink on paper. It is normal that you hardly even really writes no letters or diaries. I used to love to write diary. I wrote and wrote and wrote ... And today I have a whole collection of books in which all my thoughts and feelings I had as a young girl, are recorded. Today it is different. Even the youngest wandering around on the Internet to reveal personal things about their lives. I have the feeling that fades more and more privacy.
And sometimes I seriously wonder where this will lead? How will all this evolve?
Well, nobody really knows. We have to wait and see what the time. For only the show itself, as it comes and what will happen.

Is it good or bad, that we are today by the many different media have more options?
It certainly has a lot of disadvantages. But are indispensable forums, blogs and social networks of our lives no more. The we must admit. And somehow I'm really glad that we are entitled to these opportunities.

Back then everything was better to maintain the favorite playing people. But that does not mean that it actually was. In each period, there were crises. In our time there were crises and there will be times again in the coming crises.
But we must not forget that these crises are always gone over. There were bad times. Terrible times. But we survived. It went on and on. And it will continue.
The Progress is unstoppable and we are stuck in the middle.
But that time has a good side. Every age has something good.

I think, however, important that we not lose completely in-the-art media and perhaps from time to time write a letter. And no, I do not mean the letter that you type in times just in word. No, I mean a real, handwritten letter. A real letter. Maybe for a real girlfriend or a real friend.
I'm sure happy about any would. Absolutely.


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