Sunday, November 7, 2010

Best Action Hd Camcorder

feelings are colorful

It's been a rather gray day. Real bad weather. Dark clouds, cold and constant rain, which did not stop.
November is there. Many people feel in this time of year is not particularly good. It seems as if the solemnity of November, affecting not only the weather but also the emotional world of men, as would the gray color of the sky and reflect in our souls. This can manifest itself in many ways. Some are simply in a bad mood, let their frustrations out on others, with every little thing could go into the air. Others feel tired and worn out and would prefer to keep hibernation to escape the wet season and only wake up again when it is warm again and the sun finally shows its best side. The sun, which also appear in their hearts to.
Some people are really longing for the summer and in winter almost feel like you are dead seem to bloom again until the summer, like a dried flower that unfolds gradually, soon to shine again in full splendor.
What about our feelings out?
Whatever the season, some people describe their feelings as gray. You feel nothing, feel emptiness and desolation. This is a very sad fact. But the more beautiful it is to know that it can be otherwise. Emotions are not just gray. Feelings are more than that emotions are many. You are not just black or gray, dark and dreary. No, they are colorful. Sundries. We find feelings in so many colors and facets. And if we sometimes believe that our feelings have become monotonous and dull, we must remember that there is more than that because deep within us slumber still the colorful feelings that make our life worth living, and ensure that We are happy

Finally, a suitable poem.

Man told me that all emotions are
white or black or in between,
so gray.

But there were reported to
red, purple ,
brown and even bicolor.

I was clueless until I learned
that displace most people
their colorful emotions
thus leaving only black and white and gray

but I feel that I ; can paint colorful
with a whole range of colors

than with a pencil.

Holt out your color palette and color your life colorful.
can then itself be the gray November, a colorful month.



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