Monday, November 15, 2010

What Colour Shirt To Wear With Grey Tie

theater criticism: Friendship Without Borders

"dots and Anton". The Christmas story of the Staatstheater Braunschweig
"If one is not afraid, then he has imagination," once said Erich Kästner, and I think this fits very well with his 1931 published work "dots and Anton" - this year's Christmas tale, set out in the Great the State Theatre in Brunswick.
The protagonists Louise "spots" Pogge (fantastically: Alisa Levin) and Anton Guest (Holger Foest), which, despite their different social origins, close friends cope with their problems - with the parents, the normal everyday life - with much ingenuity.
punctum father, director Pogge (Andreas Bißmeier), is the director of a large walking stick factory and punctum mother (Marianne Heinrich) buys a pleasure clothes, whose prices Anton's mother a full month's rent for the small apartment that she shares with her son alone could pay for care but with not even half as much dedication to the well being of their daughter. Mrs. Guest (Martina Struppek), however, is seriously ill, and Anton takes care of moving them, cook and secretly earned a living selling shoelaces. From
much hardship and sacrifice has no idea spot, it grows in sheltered home with a nanny (Nina El Karsheh) and cook (also: Martina Struppek), which are designed to ensure their welfare.
The message that true friendship knows no social backgrounds, and that no amount of money the love and affection can replace the parents, is beautifully packaged in a lot of humor, music and an impressive, with attention to detail reacted stage that the viewers on a journey into the past invites. The director decided not to locate the piece in today's world, but leaving it in the thirties, which is wonderful by the faithful costumes and hairstyles reflect.
Especially the amusement of dots and Anton on the "old and serious" that can enjoy life and not stuck in their miserable life is, by Robin Telfer presented very well. Similarly, the change between punctum "perfect world" and the world outside the window on the street is spot every evening when the parents are once again expected to beg the nanny Miss devotion. You have to raise money for Miss devotional fiance Robert, "the devil". This would spot it a lot Anton would rather give her boyfriend, who is every evening at the begging of the party.
Pogge learn faster than dots would like, from the machinations of their daughter and forbid her to deal with Anton. Proves to be still as helpful as he warns the Hauhälterin of Pogge's before a planned burglary of "devil" Robert Poggesche the house. Punctum parents remember this, what a "nice guy" Alpha, and the friendship of the children is no more obstacles.
Special attention deserve the musical slots. For example, make rap songs to point out that it make sense to perform just such a piece now that the social differences always be larger and should give it to his children as early as possible that such differences are not quite a friendship in such circumstances.
This piece exudes so much joy and ease that it is worth visiting in any case and you leave the theater with a smile on his lips.
By Marieke Dohrmann, Class 11


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