Friday, December 31, 2010

Sims Third Relic Pyramid

A stormy years

As the year draws to a close that is to look back for many people the opportunity to. A look back at the past. Long elapsed times. Long extinct feelings. Long completed actions. Long lived through stories.
We think. About our experiences. Were they beautiful? Or sad?
about our feelings. What happened? Why do I feel like I feel?
about the objectives. I could achieve my goals? What goals I could not get to?
about happiness. Was I lucky? I feel lucky? Or have I lost it out of sight?

It is these and similar questions I ask myself every time at the end of the year.
My 2010 was like a restless, wild ocean.
Stormy. Tempered. Unpredictable.
And I was the rock on which beat the waves. There was a wave of events that inevitably rolled up on me.
angrily. Unruly. . Inexorably
I could not escape, no escape. No, I had to make the events and live with the consequences. And again I felt the salt on my skin. The salt of my tears.
Like a ship on the high, rough seas, I had to sink into fear. Sink into a depth from which he is no way out. A depth which is really more than bleak. But I was as strong as a rock. I thought the grief was. I lived through the storm. And it survived.
I do not want to look back anymore. It is time to look ahead.
Well, the year end in a few hours. As one set of footprints, it is washed away and never return, while the new is already in the sand. But the traces remain in our hearts.

I heartily wish you all the best for the new year!
Come and celebrate well into a fun and relaxed! (But not too hard, my friends ...) ;-)


Ac Adaptor Vsk0317 Panasonic

A beautiful and lehrrreiches year comes to an end ...

Hello my friends .... Tja
is now already a year ago ... I have started the wrong people a lot more money teaching them pay ... But as my grandfather once said ... The mills of God grind slowly but certainly.

Anston the past year was a dream ...
I can only say ... thanks to all who have believed in luck bag, and still believe ...
thank you to all who supported the drug-so great ... and with new ideas and my superduper
laser printers from HP, it is of course totally good progress ...
Furthermore I thank my husband ... for my Beetle ... for love and for my beloved Joschi we have now .. and Pinky and The brain have conquered our hearts ... But he always stands behind me and Digger despite bone cancer again much much better ..
A thank also goes to Dr. Erath and his great animal hospital .. .... with the Mistelthearpie oh god I hate injections and the linseed oil - cottage cheese treatment could conjure a smile on our faces ...

A very big thank you also goes to our parents ... both Hackpfüffel and on Waiblingen ...

;-) It's all beautiful and good that it's so ...
A thrilling and exciting year is coming to an end.

And we thank all the heart in the right spot have ...
that go with love and kindness through the day and no harm there ...

In loving thoughts to all diejenen as so often, and a wonderful Happy New Year Sandra

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Golden Desert Eagle For Sale


The holiday season is now over. There was a time of secrets, dreams, wishes and desires. Have your needs met at Christmas?

Unfortunately, not all wishes are fulfilled. Not every dream can be realized. Not every desire can be satisfied. Not every secret can be revealed.
There are dreams that will always remain dreams.
And from dreams that are fulfilled, make new dreams. We have an eternal Kreiß run. As a child we dream. We dream as a youth. Even when we grow up, we dream. Throughout our lives we dream. The only difference that our dreams change over time. As we change, are changing with us, our dreams and aspirations. Unfortunately this is not the case with all people. There are people who seem to have forgotten how to dream. This is really very unfortunate. Because dreams are important. You give us the power to fight and to survive difficult times. They give us new hope. You awaken in us and Illussions fantasies. They give us courage and confidence. They are just very special. And they are valuable. Each of us has his own, very different dreams. Some small, insignificant. Some large, significant.

What has a man even if he has lost the ability to dream?
has in my view such a person absolutely nothing.

One of my dreams was to be found in this year's love.
This dream has not come true. Instead, there were disappointments and tears.
It is disappointing to learn that love is unrequited.
It is violated if one does not receive the attention which they so eagerly wants.
It is incredibly hard to admit that we simply do not fit together. The fact that you have met the wrong people. Here we had hoped so much, its counterpart, find to be part of the puzzle.

But I should now cease to hope? Should I now stop dreaming?
No, I will not. says
The hope that one day every wish can be fulfilled.
Some dreams can be realized. Some desires can be satisfied. Some secrets can be revealed. One day.
The dream continues.
The dream will never end.

Pain Right Above Waist

A world like I like it very much ... It's Christmas

Have you not already introduced to you sometimes, as it would change the world to?

It is true that we are the world out there can not change. Although we would sometimes do the eagerly. As powerful as the people may well be: There are things that no one can change. We can not change the season. We can not change the weather. We can not change everything terrible in the world. We can not change people.

But for that we have the ability to change shape our own world and be able to. While it's stormy and snowing, we get the summer just in our own four walls. Summer songs to sing along to the stop (and !!!). Plans for forge the next holiday. Drink cocktails. Ice cream spoon. View old photos and reminisce. Dreams.

While it is raining outside and howls, we get the sun just somewhere else in our hearts. Through a meeting with friends. Through a kind word. By an embrace. By a kiss.

terrible happened while outside, we ensure that in addition to all the negatives too good happens. While we realize that we people can not change, we can change ourselves. Because we have the power-power over ourselves and our own world. A world as it pleases us. . A world of love, warmth and joy

Friday, December 24, 2010

Difference Emu And Emu Stinger

The bells are ringing, the church is packed, the lights shine brighter than ever, shine and hope everywhere and the heart full of love and warmth.
Christmas is ...

I wish all my dear readers a wonderful, merry Christmas!

I hope you enjoy the time in the circle of your families and let you bestow rich. ;-)

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Little Pet Shop, Clip Art

A piece of winter in you.

Winter has a beautiful and less beautiful face. I find it wonderful when everything is covered with white. A landscape painted from a picture book.

Above all, he is distinguished by its frosty cold.

If I come to think, you have much in common with the winter.
You're beautiful. You have a cute face and a great body. I also like your hair and your clothes. You look great. Yes, you look like painted.
But you're so incredibly cold. With your ice-cold kind you do in the winter competition.
We stood against us there and I smiled at you. But you smiled back not. You had me staring and I just could not see any emotion in your pretty face. My smile gave up completely cold.
And I had thought until recently because we could bring together all the ice melts. But I was wrong and my smile froze under your eyes.

is with you come back the cold.
The feeling of being alone .
It puts a bit of winter in you. I liked you very much, but I must let you go. For as beautiful winter can also be: I need the heat. Heat that you can not give me.
It hurts to let you go. But it will be the best.

Now it's cold here.

But just as the winter, these feelings have an end. And return the heat
is. New will begin.
A new season. A new love. A new story.

Friday, December 17, 2010

How Long Should I Take Trimethoprim For

Icy times

It is quiet in the country. The world has been laid to rest, and was covered with a white blanket. Snow and ice as far as the eye can see. Never before has Nature so calm. I hear the snow crunching under my feet, as the branches bend wailing in the wind. An icy chill wind that makes me freeze breath. And I dig my hands deeper into my coat pockets, pull his cap well over his ears, fold their arms around me to warm themselves.
from apparent distance, I can perceive different sounds. I hear the highway, I hear the snow slide, I hear muffled voices, and from somewhere a dog barks. It is as if these sounds were coming from far, far away, while they are in fact from my immediate vicinity. But I did not notice really. I pay attention only to the sound of the wind, which is digging through my hair and they totally disheveled, passing over my face and stained my cheeks and nose red, which carves its way through my clothes and cringing my whole body can be.
It is as if the world held its breath. The birds are gone, far away, most of them. The trees are bare, so terribly bare, adorned only by the snow. The forests act and leave empty, only a few walkers here and there. A queasy, almost eerie silence is spreading.
And suddenly, sitting there, on a thin twig, a small bird. It seems so insignificant and lost, as there timid hops from one twig to another. Until it suddenly begins to sing. It's a happy tune, it chirps and I will immediately warmer heart. I pause briefly and listen. Then I have to smile.
It was one of those special moments. A special moment in a very special day. Cautiously, I look around me again, but I can not find the bird anywhere. So fast it came, it went again. But that does not bother me. Humming, I make my way home.

The freezing time is here. It brings bitter cold and darkness, but also peace, solitude and happiness. Because happiness is everywhere. Even on a bitterly cold day, in a dark forest, we could find happiness. We saw it. We heard it. And yet we felt it all day.
We felt that this is not the end. It will never end. For with the hope it behaves just like the spring: She returns again and again. Even the coldest days will come to an end. And while we are still in the midst of a deep, dark valley are, we can already see rays of hope, accompany us on our way and give us courage. And each winter there is already a quivering spring, just waiting to wake up, and to sprout into full bloom ...

But until then, it naturally takes a while. Now we shall once before Christmas, which I'm also looking forward very much. Already in one week it's time. It surprised me every time anew, how fast the time racing there.

After I lost in the last few days really in my stress, I'm all the more to the next, days off, and especially the upcoming holiday season.
I would now invest more time in my blog since I blogging now grown to my heart and I've missed writing. I also would like to change in the coming days one or the other, which I'm also already looking forward to.

I wish you a wonderful Christmas weekend!


Blu Ray Player Best Upconverting

... and there you go ...

... finally relax again a few days after me ;-)
glow of the reach of the sewing and the little
new machine is also running hot ... ;-)
... new projects are already in ... which can cope with a new laser printer
vieeeeeeel better ... much
will ever be revealed ;-)
As it was, now it's the first time DEPARTURE ... etc ... then once prösterchen
and snow and plenty of sun ...
highly on all cuddly friends, heart-warmer, coffee guard, defenders
space ... and all the individual ;-)

you to all a good time and see you soon ....

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Coriander Plant, Reddish

A thick skin

Sometimes it would be nice to have a thick skin. A hard shell that surrounds us like a shield, and everything negative can bounce off of us.
A strong shell that repels all what we want to get too close and pull down.
Would not it be nice sometimes to be able to hide the bad feelings easily? ;
How convenient it would be just zuzulegen a thicker skin, so we are not as sensitive are. Sensitive to all that since so einprasselt us every day.

Unfortunately, no one asks then if you have you bought a thick fur. You have to have it. You do want a hard shell when you stand the cold world. You have to build your own tank, which you can protect yourself.

I sought shelter from the everyday. Protection from the things that would not see. Protection from the words that would not hear. Welfare, the feelings that would not feel.

But sometimes I feel all this without any protection.

I do not have thick skin. Rather, I am surrounded by a thin, delicate skin, the contents of me sometimes seems more than fragile. And it can be cold with such a skin. Damn cold.

If I were a turtle, I had a strong tank and you could not touch me.

If I were an elephant, I would have a thick skin, would feel great and powerful.

If I were a polar bear, I could have a thick skin and all the cold harm me.

But I'm me. Without tanks, without thick skin without fur.

And yet, it will go. It must go. For no one asks for.
How nice it would be sometimes but to have a thicker skin ...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Raylene Richards Milk

manufactured with the crisis. No stress

I'm healthy again. And over the moon about it. Is there anything better after an illness to get up and feel like all life, all joy, all the motivation and energy slowly flows through the body?
The joy of life has me back today and bubbled out of me like a wild waterfall. At last, no longer in bed. Finally back out. Finally people can around me, that I laugh, eat and talk. That has really done very well.

course it was not bad or long illness. But even a harmless flu virus can tug at the uncanny forces. It weakens not only the body but also the soul. But the stronger you feel, when one is finally over. Suddenly you feel full of life and stronger than ever.
So it is good and important that there are crises that we must live through and overcome. They remind us what happiness means. And they give us new strength so that we have bad times behind us and full of confidence in the future with confidence. And I'm not somehow grateful for every crisis in my life?
she has not experienced me in retrospect, made wiser and stronger?
she have done their part to ensure that I am now the one I am?

develop through crises we are on. And that's good. Even if we accept the first, when the crisis is behind us.

Fortunately, there are just small crises, by which we live, but that give us great happiness, if we have finally been overcome. Perhaps it sometimes not even call it a crisis. Maybe it was just a bad day. Or a bad week
Whatever. It is beautiful in any case always when dark days finally may end and the lucky again river holds. I have also greatly missed, happiness.
nice that it is bright again.

I wish you a crisis-free week. ;-)


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pink Bleeding With Mucus Early Pregnancy

The Pinky and the Brain family

Harem Trousers Canada

increase the SECOND

Pinky and the Brain ... Our two girls take the house ...
And Digger and Joschi also totally Suuuuuuper!
Wonderful ... just wonderful ...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dragon Ball Bulimia Taking A Shower

I have finally time to blog again, though the reason is anything but pleasing. I was caught a nasty cold that is and I say more or less confined to bed

Even the whole day I lie in bed, suffering to myself and pray inwardly want it to end. But somehow it does not seem to want to quit.

After about 20 packages tissues consumed the whole morning any stupid programs on television, and the small grooves on the ceiling counted, I could finally pull myself together, wrap it in thick and scurry over to the PC.

A glance out the window and it satisfies me shivers all over again: The snowflakes dancing around like mad in the air, the pine trees swaying in the wind langam and look as far as I can I see snow-covered roofs.
Yes, winter can already be unpleasant: freezing. Cold. Wheezing. Cough. Snow slide. Car scratch. Too late. Slipping. Curse.
snow storms. Cold. Black ice. Bare trees. Red fingers Noses.
welcome in winter.

But winter has many beautiful sites such as the imminent end of Christmas. Whether we will probably have a white Christmas this time?
That would be just fantastic and I hope very much.

What makes me even more worried, however, is the fact that I have always worried a single Christmas present. This time the racing is the only way out and the next week is so stressful that I do not know when I come to it.

Why is it properly so that we make during the Christmas season so much stress? Should not that be different? If the Christmas season instead not be quiet and contemplative?
Yes they should. But what should be and what now is indeed the case, are two different things. At the latest when I walk in the Christmas season through the city, I feel peace and quiet of this absolutely nothing. People rush as stressed, hungry animals through the stores, it will push ahead, pushed and groaned to himself. At times also the elbows are used, to get to your destination.
And I see now already in the middle of this mass, far from any rest.

Why is it then that whenever we replace a stressed Advent exactly the opposite must learn?

is probably because we do have the perfect party. We want to give all our love and make her happy, it must make many errands and generally is this festival will be unique and beautiful. Often we then expectations of us, we do not can meet and then we fall into a vortex of annoyance, stress and strain. This is of course a very beautiful one. But I am convinced that there is another way. Our loved ones but do not expect perfect or even an expensive gift from us. It's the thought that counts. We do not need a perfect tree, where he has been decorated with love and creativity. We do not need any expensive Christmas, when it can make itself comfortable with little things. We do not need to stress when we know that we will be with our family together and it will be a great party-no matter whether we have now found the right gift or not. We need not a part of the rushing mass in the city, if we know that all the anger and stress does not pay. That is why I'm going to make firm, to address the matter quiet and serene. For it is not meaning of Christmas that we fall in Sun so hectic. No, it really should not be. Instead, I light a candle rather, by three deep breathe and listen to carols. Songs in which there is to the real: to rest, contemplation and peace.
I wish you all a contemplative, relaxing, especially December!
