Sunday, November 21, 2010

Do Military Men Wear Thongs And G Strings


Today we baked the first Christmas cookies.

It was a great feeling when they were finally finished.

Although we have only November and it will take a bit to the advent, but the anticipation is on the Christmas season already in the air.

Can you feel it already?

I can smell them when I walk through our house and perceive in every corner of the scent of freshly baked cookies.

I can hear it when I come back all the Christmas music in the sense that I will soon listen again every day.

I can see it when I stroll through the city, in the Christmas market is already in the wings and I can see how Christmas lights en, fir trees and numerous market stalls are set up.

And I can feel it. With each passing day.

mysterious mood. Brightly lit streets. Bright eyes. Many goodies. The feeling of tension and curiosity. Other people can give much pleasure. Give and be blessed.

Christmas, the time is full of little and big surprises.
Every year on New's. And it still is beautiful.

As a child I could hardly expect more, until it finally was. With each passing day the tension became larger. Sometimes I feel today like the small, curious girl from back then. And that's a wonderful feeling.

Now I want to show you some pictures of our place:

; ;




orange chocolate Cookie

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Use Of Duofem Tablets In Preparation For Ivf

A part of me. Changing times

Once again I sit here and curse the Clock, which seems to turn lately too much too quickly their rounds. I hardly even dare to look, I'm so surprised every time I see how quickly the minutes tick by.
I'm afraid, so it is with the meisst people who have much to do.
You wish so eagerly a minute, an hour or once a day for themselves. Only for themselves. to sit without constantly have the pressure in the neck to do this and that still need.

was all the more beautiful it for me when I had a free weekend day. I take the time to once again to do something for my appearance, I walked boldly and firmly committed to ... HAIRDRESSER! Yes, for me, going to the hairdresser's on every new challenge. The moment that attaches the barber scissors, I always feel as terrible. It is a moment in which I hold my breath and intimately to hope that the man with the scissors, his work also effectively controlled. This time I also sent small prayers to heaven, as the gap was set. But I was lucky. Everything went well. I had been very, very long hair and it just had a piece. But now they are still long and I'm happy. They are beautiful and the tips are broken off. Well, a really big change is not. But it also does not have to. Sometimes small changes are sufficient to make a big difference. And there have been so great. Because I'm feeling better. Much better.

Why us hair is really that important?
Almost every woman is sensitive when it comes to their hair. How many Tears have been shed already, just because long hair was cut and dropped carelessly on the floor hair salon are like small pieces of paper? How often have you felt bad even if the hair was something not right? If they were simply bad, or the hair after the haircut was not satisfactory?

It is because the hairs belong to us. Hair is a part of us. They belong to us as our heart and our soul. You are our heart and our soul. They are always there, an inseparable and important part of us. And if we lose long hair, then this hurts As always, when we lose something that is important to us. That hair grow back is only a small consolation. For comfort heartache finally say not that one day will again grow a new love.

But the loss of long hair does not always bad . mean No, quite the opposite. This change can enrich our lives. Because we often feel like a new person afterwards. And that's what we radiate out then.
Sometimes worthwhile changes. Sometimes you have to dare it. to put the car scissors. Even if the heart for a moment still.

Monday, November 15, 2010

What Colour Shirt To Wear With Grey Tie

theater criticism: Friendship Without Borders

"dots and Anton". The Christmas story of the Staatstheater Braunschweig
"If one is not afraid, then he has imagination," once said Erich Kästner, and I think this fits very well with his 1931 published work "dots and Anton" - this year's Christmas tale, set out in the Great the State Theatre in Brunswick.
The protagonists Louise "spots" Pogge (fantastically: Alisa Levin) and Anton Guest (Holger Foest), which, despite their different social origins, close friends cope with their problems - with the parents, the normal everyday life - with much ingenuity.
punctum father, director Pogge (Andreas Bißmeier), is the director of a large walking stick factory and punctum mother (Marianne Heinrich) buys a pleasure clothes, whose prices Anton's mother a full month's rent for the small apartment that she shares with her son alone could pay for care but with not even half as much dedication to the well being of their daughter. Mrs. Guest (Martina Struppek), however, is seriously ill, and Anton takes care of moving them, cook and secretly earned a living selling shoelaces. From
much hardship and sacrifice has no idea spot, it grows in sheltered home with a nanny (Nina El Karsheh) and cook (also: Martina Struppek), which are designed to ensure their welfare.
The message that true friendship knows no social backgrounds, and that no amount of money the love and affection can replace the parents, is beautifully packaged in a lot of humor, music and an impressive, with attention to detail reacted stage that the viewers on a journey into the past invites. The director decided not to locate the piece in today's world, but leaving it in the thirties, which is wonderful by the faithful costumes and hairstyles reflect.
Especially the amusement of dots and Anton on the "old and serious" that can enjoy life and not stuck in their miserable life is, by Robin Telfer presented very well. Similarly, the change between punctum "perfect world" and the world outside the window on the street is spot every evening when the parents are once again expected to beg the nanny Miss devotion. You have to raise money for Miss devotional fiance Robert, "the devil". This would spot it a lot Anton would rather give her boyfriend, who is every evening at the begging of the party.
Pogge learn faster than dots would like, from the machinations of their daughter and forbid her to deal with Anton. Proves to be still as helpful as he warns the Hauhälterin of Pogge's before a planned burglary of "devil" Robert Poggesche the house. Punctum parents remember this, what a "nice guy" Alpha, and the friendship of the children is no more obstacles.
Special attention deserve the musical slots. For example, make rap songs to point out that it make sense to perform just such a piece now that the social differences always be larger and should give it to his children as early as possible that such differences are not quite a friendship in such circumstances.
This piece exudes so much joy and ease that it is worth visiting in any case and you leave the theater with a smile on his lips.
By Marieke Dohrmann, Class 11

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What A Great Place In Hawaii All Inclusive

At that time everything was different.

But that also means automatic that everything was better back then? Many older people say exactly when they think back with nostalgia of old days gone by. But the younger people get nostalgic when they travel back mentally in the time of their childhood, where life still so wonderfully carefree, loose and lightweight. When I think back to my own childhood, so I got them from like a long, carefree summer that never seemed to come to an end. Although it certainly was even then the odd thunderstorm cloud, so I can remember to this day any more.
I am convinced that a happy childhood is the greatest and most wonderful gift from parents make their child. My parents gave me this unique and fabulous gift, and I am now very happy and grateful.

There's a great quote by Jean Paul:
"With a childhood full of love but you can economize a half life long for the cold world."
me for a remarkable, very special quote. A quote in which truth is tight enough.
Sometimes I think even without my vitality to withstand the cold world out there can not. A zest for life that had its origins in childhood. Because at that time I learned what happiness means and this I have not forgotten to this day.

Some days I feel, however, forgotten how to have it. Then I look for happiness in vain. But I know that it is still there. Deep inside of me. And if I believe it will ever reappear. Again and again and again.

In the last two days I felt especially good. There were really no reason for it. It probably is, though, that it is received this week a little quieter than in previous weeks. No exams, no stress, no overtime. And finally we make some time to talk with friends and a little fooling around, instead of only focusing strictly on work. This must also be just sometimes. And I am glad that the concerns brought by a bit in the background and my thoughts drifted back in a fun, relaxed way.

Moreover, I am also very excited about two new readers, I would like to welcome you on my blog.
I very much hope that you enjoy my articles and I am for criticism of any kind at any time.

Today I talked to some nice people as to what in recent years changed everything. That was of course a lot.

time so everything was different. And better. Really?

There were no phones and no Internet. The people had other ways to communicate. Today, however, is all that normal. It is normal that you need to appeal to a person not more but to simply write. It is normal that in social networks, half of his life or at least a large part of which is on display. It is normal that you just typed e-mails and personal messages, instead of a letter, the lines have been placed with his own hand and ink on paper. It is normal that you hardly even really writes no letters or diaries. I used to love to write diary. I wrote and wrote and wrote ... And today I have a whole collection of books in which all my thoughts and feelings I had as a young girl, are recorded. Today it is different. Even the youngest wandering around on the Internet to reveal personal things about their lives. I have the feeling that fades more and more privacy.
And sometimes I seriously wonder where this will lead? How will all this evolve?
Well, nobody really knows. We have to wait and see what the time. For only the show itself, as it comes and what will happen.

Is it good or bad, that we are today by the many different media have more options?
It certainly has a lot of disadvantages. But are indispensable forums, blogs and social networks of our lives no more. The we must admit. And somehow I'm really glad that we are entitled to these opportunities.

Back then everything was better to maintain the favorite playing people. But that does not mean that it actually was. In each period, there were crises. In our time there were crises and there will be times again in the coming crises.
But we must not forget that these crises are always gone over. There were bad times. Terrible times. But we survived. It went on and on. And it will continue.
The Progress is unstoppable and we are stuck in the middle.
But that time has a good side. Every age has something good.

I think, however, important that we not lose completely in-the-art media and perhaps from time to time write a letter. And no, I do not mean the letter that you type in times just in word. No, I mean a real, handwritten letter. A real letter. Maybe for a real girlfriend or a real friend.
I'm sure happy about any would. Absolutely.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Best Action Hd Camcorder

feelings are colorful

It's been a rather gray day. Real bad weather. Dark clouds, cold and constant rain, which did not stop.
November is there. Many people feel in this time of year is not particularly good. It seems as if the solemnity of November, affecting not only the weather but also the emotional world of men, as would the gray color of the sky and reflect in our souls. This can manifest itself in many ways. Some are simply in a bad mood, let their frustrations out on others, with every little thing could go into the air. Others feel tired and worn out and would prefer to keep hibernation to escape the wet season and only wake up again when it is warm again and the sun finally shows its best side. The sun, which also appear in their hearts to.
Some people are really longing for the summer and in winter almost feel like you are dead seem to bloom again until the summer, like a dried flower that unfolds gradually, soon to shine again in full splendor.
What about our feelings out?
Whatever the season, some people describe their feelings as gray. You feel nothing, feel emptiness and desolation. This is a very sad fact. But the more beautiful it is to know that it can be otherwise. Emotions are not just gray. Feelings are more than that emotions are many. You are not just black or gray, dark and dreary. No, they are colorful. Sundries. We find feelings in so many colors and facets. And if we sometimes believe that our feelings have become monotonous and dull, we must remember that there is more than that because deep within us slumber still the colorful feelings that make our life worth living, and ensure that We are happy

Finally, a suitable poem.

Man told me that all emotions are
white or black or in between,
so gray.

But there were reported to
red, purple ,
brown and even bicolor.

I was clueless until I learned
that displace most people
their colorful emotions
thus leaving only black and white and gray

but I feel that I ; can paint colorful
with a whole range of colors

than with a pencil.

Holt out your color palette and color your life colorful.
can then itself be the gray November, a colorful month.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Can I Have Cup Of Tea While Fasting?

How pretty BECOME THE ....

Hi everyone ...
looks something COCO has made me pretty ...
beautiful as ... for it may be out looking for a few bags
bag of luck ...
very very love you ... then one can be wonderful to start
weekend ... waiting at the back
many creative "work" ;-)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Charles Playhousetrain

New power

the weekend it was time again :

The clocks were switched to winter time and we were thus given an hour. For me, that hour was actually a gift. Time is precious. And sometimes one will unfortunately again only aware when you do a lot and hardly feel hat.Dann time for himself and his friends are suddenly reminded of how beautiful and important it is to be able to take time for the things that you really care about is lying.

moment of things influenced my time that I make no fun. But in some ways I do like them anyway. Because they contribute to chores that I can later do something that I really like. And that's what matters. Many roads lead to Rome. And often these trails are rocky and make our lives difficult. Then suddenly we know nothing at all, are anxious and helpless. Because sometimes it's not just a lot of stones. Sometimes it is also to heavy stones lying around there through. Fortunately, there are always solutions to removing these stones from the way they were ever so hard. But this takes time. Time it has perhaps not always, or just do not want to have. Above all, it takes our power. Force that can not always. Force which is eventually consumed. . Power that you have to fill up new

had in recent days, I really feel at the end of my powers to be, that the stones are too heavy and numerous for me to actually get to your destination. I had decided to catch up now from high school and am still on this decision. In a few months everything will be over, because the tests are very early this time. But the pressure is great and pulls every day of my ability. So I pulled the brake on the weekend and allowed myself a day off. One day when I took time for me and my family. One day I wanted to spend in nature. A day without all these worries and fears. A day to recharge. New power.

For me there is nothing better than this power to fill out in nature. In the current year it is there on top. I love the many different colors of the leaves and the fresh air that turns my cheeks red. I love the wind that sweeps through my hair. I love the smell of the forest, I could smell all the time. I love the noise. Leaves rustle. Cars in the distance. A crow crowing from somewhere. Branches cracking. I love everything about nature. Above all it is peace and quiet. This heavenly peace. For me, a blessing.

Sometimes I wonder whether other people in their different nature and at the same time magnificent color perceive as much as I do. For I have more and more the feeling that many people have lost the eye for the beauty of nature. Although they are surrounded by nature, but they do not see them. At least, not really. It seems sometimes to be so. I think one has to admit that it is also just as many people.

When I come from such a walk back home, I immediately feel like a new person. Happy, fresh and powerful. Full of new energy and drive. This is a wonderful feeling. It is the feeling of having fueled new energy. Just as we need to fill up our car or recharge our cell phones, we must, sometimes we "fill up" themselves. This may sound strange, and certainly we can not so easily connected to any pump or to a cable in and it's done. :-) That would be too easy.
No, everybody has to find out for themselves how and by what means he can recharge your batteries. And that is sometimes not easy.
For me, the next to a walk, be a conversation with a good friend. Sometimes even a thought of something beautiful that awaits me or that I experienced have. And almost always there are memories that drive me. Memories of beautiful, but also the past. Times I want it back. continue periods for which it pays and to fight, no matter how bad you feel now. There are the beautiful moments, these happy moments that we remember back to us again and again, for it always pays to keep going and sometimes go through difficult times. Because that is something that is really important and we will always be new strength.

In this sense,
all love,

Photos: weheartit

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Psoriasis Behind The Ear

Digger and Joschi are sooooo happy