Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wiring Diagram Double Motion Sensor Lights

Theater Review: A four-person

Edward Albee's "Who Afraid of Virginia Woolf? "at the State Theatre Braunschweig

" We demonstrate only the little bit of brains, what we have, "says Edward Albee's Marriage classic" Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? ". It is not a lie, is demonstrated on this evening a lot. Intellectually, packed and never clumsy is the Celebrity Death Match of the couple George (Tom Beyer) and Martha (Crescentia Dünßer).
For 23 years, the two are married, she is the daughter of a college president, he, the father-considered-nothing, is a professor of history at the same college. According father's will to be nice to the new colleagues, invited Martha to George a surprise two guests to a campus party in his own apartment. Young biologist Nick (solid performance Oliver Simon) and his wife sweetness (brilliantly played by Rika Less) functioned as a kind of alcohol that night for the fire of a marriage inferno par excellence. The set is spartan and cold, which can be a project-to-one on the marriage of Martha and George. The bell rings at the door, the guests are there. Martha spoke out openly: "The festival begins"
It's not long before Nick and his on ADHD and mental retardation suffering sweetness in the dubious pleasure of marital mudslinging advised the host and are at the mercy of sameness, miss no opportunity to expose the other. Initial Weglauftendenzen be sufficient to Brandy extinguished immediately, the night is the stage of Martha and George.
quickly in the nearly two-hour show clearly what 23 years can account for unfulfilled expectations. The anger and disappointment can Martha be an emotional tyrant. No easy task, such a hateful and malicious people to present to the public adequately. Crescentia Dünßer solved it competently, but sometimes a shade too exaggerated, a few decibels less it would and then did. It flourished with downright hostility, and even George, shown outstanding Tobias Beyer, seemed surprised that Martha in this The superlative of the night could get ugly. How they got rid of a gun, facing each other, all inhibitions and pent-up emotions.
It is also the verbal creativity of all actors that makes this piece in the Small House of the State Theatre Braunschweig worth seeing. Taking over from the old theater Stuttgart way. Despite all the evils the scenery is no less funny, and occasionally catches oneself the question always positive: I will sometimes just as Martha?
A 23-year-old love-hate relationship is hard to quit, in part, can detect a certain satisfaction in mutual insults. This type of communication and emotional exploitation appears both in the core satisfy.
was staged at the end of this excellent and highly explosive play is just one big mess that both computers and all figures were now in ruins.
"Maybe there are better times, but this is ours," said the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. He must have thought it to Martha and George.
Mareike Ensign, graduating from the WG 2009

City: Brunswick State Theatre, Small House
Dates: / termine /


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