Sunday, October 24, 2010

How To Comfort A Friend Diagnosed With Herpes

PAPERWAYS II - Notebooks as rough diamonds

Actually we were at the Maison & Objet already passed by the state as one of us for stealthily said, "who saw notebooks from all interesting." A quick glance over his shoulder - "Yes." We are looking at short and go back to the stand and the steps where we meet and our discovery Yoonsang Paperways begins.

The notebooks we imagine today, are the ones who have and are directed back to the state. With its bumpy Cardboard cover and the small label affixed to look at first actually quite insignificant. This modest impression disappears on closer inspection, however, quickly. The insides are the typical filigree Paperways graphic design and color designed exquisite. The color of the paper gently plays with gebochenem white: powder blue with a touch here, there's more cream or more lime green. This is of course an exciting contrast to the rough looking outside the box. But not only this is unusual because Paperways has these notebooks waived entirely on a spine. Thus, the binding thread is of course once in the eye and enhances the purist nature of the books. From our perspective, this is also a very practical aspect: the Paperways books can be on the back describe very well. We all know the very unpleasant for right describe the left side. It is always the same: Either remove we smooth by force the bond and cause the spine hurt intentionally, or we bad writing comfort be accepted, put the book down on the left side and write with erected right book page more bad than good. Not a few describe the left side so not easy. It is different in notebooks Paperways . Fold here we the pages easily to 180 °, and the two sides are due to the lack of back flat on the table. So it is no longer a problem to describe left and right side or both sides simultaneously to use as a sketch. Real practice, we find.

invites The minimalist appearance of the notebooks one to design, to create something truly unique from these rough diamonds. Clear that we think of as equal in luiban Masking Tapes , decorative tapes of Japanese washi paper, linen or cotton.


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