Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Proper Wording For Retirement Cakes

WG Summer Festival

Sun The summer festival is over!
When the weather was celebrated, played football, and bratwurst fed.
The hit of the whole day, the "human table soccer" tournament was a successful idea, which has prepared both the players and the spectators enjoy. It is always nice if teachers and students, old and new comers WGler compete against each other to get the win.
The fashion show was also an attraction in and offered a good opportunity to present the selbstgeschneiderten costumes of the world public.

Apart from these two main attractions of course there were still many small interesting items: the SV-stand with Cola, and sausage, a much-used coffee-drinking occasion by Mrs. Gell Rich and her class and last but not least, many more colorful class stalls freshly mixed drinks, crepes, waffles, cakes and pies. For good music was provided by WG-DJ Björn Mahrt under professional help of our school's band with the result of good humor and a loose party flair.

The summer festival was a successful event, which certainly had a lot of fun and we will remember for a while also.

Felix Jung

here now Lots of photos - have fun!

who with the publication of a photograph should not agree, please email to let


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