Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pilonidal Cyst Or Herpes?

Emigration temporary

Under the title "A year abroad" was held on 28.9.2009, the first event Remter'05 in the 2009/10 school year instead. Six students of the WG, who had spent a year abroad, and a student from Colombia who may just be experience exchange year in Germany, told of their experiences in different countries.
In Honduras, Adrian Benatar, Ireland Nicola Scholl, from Colombia was Federico was a guest in the Netherlands George Höxter, Elena Scholl in New Zealand, Mexico Catherine Seifert, in the United States were Lara and Charlotte Fricke Nimbach.
Through interesting questions of well-prepared presenters Jan-Peter Scholl Moehle and Elena (both grade 13), various aspects of the stay lit in different countries. Such was the one hand interesting, as it is to stand at the airport and noted that the family was waiting yet not as promising as a month, on the other hand, as it is, in the second poorest country in Latin America, Honduras, on the population and their poverty to meet even in very poor conditions to live independently. However
were that night, especially the wonderful experiences in the foreground and the experience of a completely different culture or mentality. The community at the school or the special feeling to the family at some point right to the family owned and was incorporated as a part of this were highlighted. Despite the different countries and different experiences was to understand one thing clear: No one regretted his year abroad. A student also stressed that there should be no obstacle, a year of having to repeat school. They contend that the experience would make it far too valuable. In addition, two representatives
informed the exchange organization Experiment eV over the year abroad and monitoring measures, the organization prior to the year, during the year and then would offer.
was just a shame that hardly any audience assembled at the Great Hall of the few and even fewer students were present.
by the organizers is to learn, however, that the round table in one morning in the second half for the 7th and 8 Classes will be repeated. The headmaster, Mr Tham van Balen has already approved the proposal.

Carina Bargmann

housing in Honduras

Jan Peter Moehle (moderator)

Nicolas school uniform Ireland

George's memories of the Netherlands

Elena Blazer exchange organization Rotary

Adrian with his machete from Honduras


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