Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pilonidal Cyst Or Herpes?

Emigration temporary

Under the title "A year abroad" was held on 28.9.2009, the first event Remter'05 in the 2009/10 school year instead. Six students of the WG, who had spent a year abroad, and a student from Colombia who may just be experience exchange year in Germany, told of their experiences in different countries.
In Honduras, Adrian Benatar, Ireland Nicola Scholl, from Colombia was Federico was a guest in the Netherlands George Höxter, Elena Scholl in New Zealand, Mexico Catherine Seifert, in the United States were Lara and Charlotte Fricke Nimbach.
Through interesting questions of well-prepared presenters Jan-Peter Scholl Moehle and Elena (both grade 13), various aspects of the stay lit in different countries. Such was the one hand interesting, as it is to stand at the airport and noted that the family was waiting yet not as promising as a month, on the other hand, as it is, in the second poorest country in Latin America, Honduras, on the population and their poverty to meet even in very poor conditions to live independently. However
were that night, especially the wonderful experiences in the foreground and the experience of a completely different culture or mentality. The community at the school or the special feeling to the family at some point right to the family owned and was incorporated as a part of this were highlighted. Despite the different countries and different experiences was to understand one thing clear: No one regretted his year abroad. A student also stressed that there should be no obstacle, a year of having to repeat school. They contend that the experience would make it far too valuable. In addition, two representatives
informed the exchange organization Experiment eV over the year abroad and monitoring measures, the organization prior to the year, during the year and then would offer.
was just a shame that hardly any audience assembled at the Great Hall of the few and even fewer students were present.
by the organizers is to learn, however, that the round table in one morning in the second half for the 7th and 8 Classes will be repeated. The headmaster, Mr Tham van Balen has already approved the proposal.

Carina Bargmann

housing in Honduras

Jan Peter Moehle (moderator)

Nicolas school uniform Ireland

George's memories of the Netherlands

Elena Blazer exchange organization Rotary

Adrian with his machete from Honduras

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What Is Duofem And Ferrous Fumarate Tablets

writes Munich

Oktoberfest : Dirndl and Lederhosen where we always gazing. Jolly mood, pretzels and Bavarian Gemütlichkeit we can not stop, keep your eyes wide open today for treasures, and for paper.

Here are our discoveries today:
GMUND paper and printing
high quality handmade paper, notebooks with US-inspired diamond, yellow notepad with dividers, cover sheets with crust appearance, cubes of colored paper. Everything presented noble - the advice is polite and reserved. By the way, is GMUND traditional manufacture and produces desired.

Located in the five yards right next to the Institution Design "magazine" is a haven for lovers of simple functionality. Here we explore exercise books in book binding board and line edge from only one euro. We particularly liked the rubber-have depot in living bamboo brown and the tiny Ring Tear-off on the issue. Of course we could not resist us, also equally try the famous Thonet bentwood chair. Fits into the dining room? We decided that we just do not look great, despite the seat-friendly enough ...

Despite the high quality location in the five yards and the rich diversity in selected leather goods and writing instruments are the store whoosh-di-wupp has spat. The sleepy sales force had kissed several times, finally we are disinclined to do their manifest ignorance of their daydreams. Sorry to bother you.

Bethge Hamburg
man, what are We wandered around to find the road Theatiner 1! Affairs has donated much confusion among the by moving business, and we are about become so hungry that we first needed a salad and a rice dish at Dean & David. Only with the help of a telephone conversation: Bethge Hamburg, we are finally in Schäfflerhof. There are fine writing instruments, leather, jewelry, and office equipment. The sales force was extremely friendly and competent. We particularly liked have the leather-wrapped storage boxes, colorful Cara 'D Ache fountain pen and the El Casco full range

The return trip by roaring drunk Oktoberfest visitors and an almost-forgotten travel bag we have survived happily. Now we look forward to further adventures and discoveries in London next week.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Why Does My Left Ear Ring

human table soccer

The biggest highlight of the summer festival was of course the human table soccer tournament.
All worked like a kicker. Just with people. There was this time unlike last year, no injuries, but a breakdown: The game against 8m2 5c gave the air from the inflatable pitch. It was initially only for the players of the 5th Classes an advantage because they were better at the poles. When it became a problem, but the game had to be interrupted werden.Zum happiness of the current short time later was back again, so that could be played more. The teachers had been like last year a team. This showed how well the students hard work, and fought so even the final! There she met the 8m2, which had also bravely and with a little luck played in the final. Then it was
exciting. Many students talked to teachers, and as many were for the 8th Class. The teachers started with Mr. Upita in goal. At the 8th Class was lining Jonas Schneider in goal, who had kindly stepped in, since none of the players referred to the 8m2 was gone. Then were already the first goals. Not with the teachers, but in the 8m2. Shortly after that was a brilliant shot from Michael scored a first goal.

have won but then ultimately the teachers. Nevertheless, a
Congratulations to all who have played!

Lena Bartosch

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Proper Wording For Retirement Cakes

WG Summer Festival

Sun The summer festival is over!
When the weather was celebrated, played football, and bratwurst fed.
The hit of the whole day, the "human table soccer" tournament was a successful idea, which has prepared both the players and the spectators enjoy. It is always nice if teachers and students, old and new comers WGler compete against each other to get the win.
The fashion show was also an attraction in and offered a good opportunity to present the selbstgeschneiderten costumes of the world public.

Apart from these two main attractions of course there were still many small interesting items: the SV-stand with Cola, and sausage, a much-used coffee-drinking occasion by Mrs. Gell Rich and her class and last but not least, many more colorful class stalls freshly mixed drinks, crepes, waffles, cakes and pies. For good music was provided by WG-DJ Björn Mahrt under professional help of our school's band with the result of good humor and a loose party flair.

The summer festival was a successful event, which certainly had a lot of fun and we will remember for a while also.

Felix Jung

here now Lots of photos - have fun!

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