Thursday, February 17, 2011

Manual Testing Resumes 2010

Blog Award

It is finally time for me to thank you for this wonderful blog award that I got from dear Battledwarf ( Cinnamon Stars & Metalheads ).

Many, many thanks for that!

course, I am honored and I am glad that you chose me. ;-)

The scheme l n of the Awards l Auten:
  • thank the person who gave you the award and VER l they inke in your post.
  • Tell us 7 things about you.
  • Give the award to 15 recently l I discovered new B l Ogger.
  • Contact this B l Ogger and l ass' they know that they have received the award.

I am telling you now so 7 little things about me:

1 I love to sing. Most of all in the car or in the shower. The lyrics of course I can not crooked, it sounds as well. But so what? ;-)

second I am totally dreamy.

third Autumn is my favorite season.

4th I consider myself a very patient person. But when it comes to paint my nails, I am the impatience in person. Therefore, they usually remain unpainted.

5th I'm grottenschlecht 6th in math

I was in love with Terence Hill.

7th I'm the moderator Mä forum.

Now I would like to pass on the award.
15 bloggers I could not live get together, but that three great blogs!

first dreamy moments and hopes
Beautiful lyrics, a cute design and great pictures! A really cute blog that is worth a visit.

second fall for you.
But the header I find it amazing! This is about "life, love and other human things." It is also worth drop by here.

In June, there are many pictures of beautiful things. Just stop by!


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