Thursday, February 24, 2011

Is It Inhumane To Spade A Dog

my eggs ;-)

Sun .. now is so "soon" Easter ... therefore there
bag happy times in new and bold bags ...

further then you will not find happiness in Dawanda in bag ...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Scabs Inside My Nostrils

Get off

be together with you.
This is like riding a roller coaster.
And I joined.

Full of expectations I had one myself.
on a journey into the unknown.
A ride with hundreds of questions and fears in his luggage.
hidden Responses.
Somewhere among the clouds.
A journey without a destination.
A trip to nowhere.
A ride in the middle of the sky. A journey to happiness.

But we quickly came off the road.
And drove straight into the disaster.
where have you left me.
In the valley of tears.
Fearful and alone.

But it was not the end of the ride.
Because you came back.
And the journey continued.

A journey into the unknown.
A ride with hundreds of questions and fears in his luggage.
hidden Responses.
Somewhere among the clouds.
A journey without a destination.
A trip to nowhere.
A ride in the middle of the sky.
A journey to happiness.
Repeated paths and roads.
until we arrived back at our path.
The path with no way out.
The path to disaster inside.

a ride with you,
this is no ordinary ride.
It is a journey between tears of joy and despair.
A journey between hope and fear.
A trip between love and burden.
a rollercoaster of emotions.

And when we slow down
and the wind is calm,
I feel that I no longer want to go.

Not with you.
No longer .

because I became dizzy.
Everything dances in me.
In the abdomen, head, in the heart.
It feels flat.
I'm shivering all over
and no more.

continue I will.
without you.
I want to explore new roads and routes.
without you.
I want to be happy.
without you.
I want to get off.

be together with you.
It was like riding a roller coaster.
But I got out.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Manual De Instalação Sony Muteki


love inside all of us.
sometimes hidden deep within us. Like an ocean full of wonderful secrets.
sometimes written in our eyes. Like a sea bright, shining candles.
sometimes fulfilled by it. How two hearts join together and beat together from now on.
for each other.
love is the best feeling in the world.
It tastes like raspberry cotton candy and smells of consummate happiness.
you can shine eyes and heart beat faster.
It is a symbol of hope.

love gives us strength.
In dark hours, she is there and fills us with renewed strength.
remains in bad times they always at our side and gives us rays of hope.
take in every moment no matter how difficult it our hand and accompanied us on our way.
never alone.
Always there.
for us.
But love can also make you lonely. This can happen for many reasons. Perhaps we have been disappointed.
Once, twice.
too often. We are sad and disappointed. And love slowly lose sight of.
It might also be possible for us has found love yet not simple.
So we are waiting eagerly.
a week, a month, a year.
an eternity.
And nothing happens.
Slowly we lose faith in the love from his eyes.
In the worst case, we love someone who does not return those feelings. During the same time someone loves us, for we do not feel the same.
Then we suffer. And we will keep asking the question of why.
Why we love him if he does not love us?
Why he loves me, if I do not love him?
But we can not answer these questions.
Because love can not be explained by the mind.
And the ways of the heart unpredictable are.

Everyone talks about love.
It is easy to talk about love.
Everyone has already talked about it.
Everyone writes about love.
It is easy to write about love.
The books and magazines are full of it.
Everyone jokes about love.
It's easy to joke about love.
As long as she has not caught up yet.

But not everyone dreams of love.
Because it is not easy to dream
when one has given up hope long ago.
Not everyone fights for the love.
Because it is not easy to fight
when everything seems so hopeless.
Not everyone believes in love.
Because it is not easy to believe
was when one of them only so far disappointed. Not everyone understands
the beauty of love.
Because it is not easy to see this beauty
if they always reflect tears in his eyes.

It is true that everyone is talking about love.
But it is also true that hardly anyone on the loneliness, the tears and the pain is, can bring the love with it.

And finally, you lie there alone. And sleep like. As much as you want to sleep and you escape into your dreams. Hanker for a better place. With a better feeling.
But you can not sleep. Long will you lie awake. It can happen to you like an eternity. And while you listen to the rain that pattered softly against your window pane, you are suddenly overwhelmed by your desire.
longing for love and happiness. Longing for the man who tells you that everything will be fine.
Ehrlich. Leidenschaftlich.Liebevoll.
A fruitless longing. Because if you open your eyes, you see that you still lying there alone.
It is the Feeling of loneliness.
It Does not each one of us?

But what is happening always
is reason for hope there. Always.
For love is more than the man whom we would have liked on our side.
love is always there.
We find them in so many, different facets.
And can manifest itself in so many colored shapes.
Maybe It is the grateful smile of a good friend.
Maybe it's the warm embrace of a good friend.
Perhaps it is the radiant face of a child.
Maybe it's the look of your faithful dog.

All that's love.
For Love has many sides.
love is everywhere.
We just need to learn to open our eyes to the beautiful.
And make our hearts free from the what hurts us.

Then they will meet, the love.
Because love is everywhere.
love inside all of us.

Manual Testing Resumes 2010

Blog Award

It is finally time for me to thank you for this wonderful blog award that I got from dear Battledwarf ( Cinnamon Stars & Metalheads ).

Many, many thanks for that!

course, I am honored and I am glad that you chose me. ;-)

The scheme l n of the Awards l Auten:
  • thank the person who gave you the award and VER l they inke in your post.
  • Tell us 7 things about you.
  • Give the award to 15 recently l I discovered new B l Ogger.
  • Contact this B l Ogger and l ass' they know that they have received the award.

I am telling you now so 7 little things about me:

1 I love to sing. Most of all in the car or in the shower. The lyrics of course I can not crooked, it sounds as well. But so what? ;-)

second I am totally dreamy.

third Autumn is my favorite season.

4th I consider myself a very patient person. But when it comes to paint my nails, I am the impatience in person. Therefore, they usually remain unpainted.

5th I'm grottenschlecht 6th in math

I was in love with Terence Hill.

7th I'm the moderator Mä forum.

Now I would like to pass on the award.
15 bloggers I could not live get together, but that three great blogs!

first dreamy moments and hopes
Beautiful lyrics, a cute design and great pictures! A really cute blog that is worth a visit.

second fall for you.
But the header I find it amazing! This is about "life, love and other human things." It is also worth drop by here.

In June, there are many pictures of beautiful things. Just stop by!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Burton Audixjacket Fault

The treasure was there, on Valentine's Day:)

The traveling treasure was with me, such a wonderful treasure :))), in turn he moves from a creative woman to another, across Germany - and may stay with me here:

Body Butter and pocket Susan
- Hand Balm Soap House
- Tonanhänger heart of Birgit
- Change ring Claudia
- socks from Suse (size 39, I'm 41, like before, I had to have)
- Scarf Suse, grüüüün Frog King, who can like me, do not hesitate hihi
and a small Filzschal of Ela

Thank you Lieben.Liebe Grüßle by your Beate - yogibär

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Sweater Story Text By Roch Carrier


Hello my friends ... the new year is already beginning to super ...
.... Yipiehhhhhhh! I say only because ...
and thank you in advance ...
and happiness will move with you ;-)

More is betrayed only on 03/01/2011 ...
if it also refers to other venues ...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Studyhallhelp Doesnt Work

The time runs away Lost

Time never stands still.
This is something that is truly safe. For what we always do: We can not stop them. You only races along. And we have to go along. Or will we be left behind.
wish Recently, I often, the day had more than 24 hours.
Soon, my tests. Only a few weeks.
And there is still much to do ...
There is currently no easy time for me because I sometimes have the feeling that everything is too much for me. And I have no time for the things that are important to me. Of course it is also blogging too short.

why I hope for your understanding, if there is to read on this blog in the near future a little less.
If I turn something have more air is made up of course everything.
For this blog-it means a lot to me means a lot to me.
And so I hope that you remain true to me.

I wish you a wonderful weekend!

Friday, February 4, 2011

How To Remove Thepusi Haire

Antonio is me from the needle jumped

That is Antonio, the last bear for tomorrow's Mass, the last night I hopped from the needle. He is 12 cm long and looks forward to the next animal. Now I pack, I wish you all a great weekend:)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Burton Audex Jacket Fault

More Bear .... more ....

And here are the last pictures of the bear and the bear (22 cm), all bears are not photographed, a hopping night I still managed by the needle .... who wants to see more, is welcome:
Have fun watching Bear wishes you Beate

Convert Subwoofer Cable To Speaker

Et voila - more bears (12 cm) Et voilà

And here come the "larger" bear, both are 12 inches tall.

Custom Nascar Paint Schemes

: here are the Bears for Friolzheim

for all Bears fans: I want you today some of my new Bears show that I've worked for Friolzheim, all in the last 2 weeks. Here you see the mini bears, they are each 10 cm long, made of mohair and Mini - logo - unique pieces.