Monday, January 31, 2011

2010 Mondeo Brake Pads

I have long fought.
up for.
for me.
for us.
long I was hoping that we will.
And find us.

As a band we were both connected to each other, but this band has now been severed. Now each of us is alone and has to go its own way. A difficult road ahead. An uncertain path.
a way without you.

the deep ties that bound us once is to slowly stop verflogen.Wir they can not. How colorful balloons ascend into the infinity of the sky, never to return. We look wistfully afterwards. Until nothing remains.
Now each of us is alone in the sky and looks in its own horizon, risk a tentative look into the distance.
A fearful view. An uncertain look. A view without you.
The great feelings we felt for each other are spoiled. Like beautiful flowers that bloom in the wind down herwiegen and until they eventually fade, because it has forgotten to water them enough.
are unexplainable feelings. Uncertain feelings.
feelings for you.

And I ask you: What Sense has a way when I need him to go without you?
What use to me the vastness of the sky, if I must live without you in it?
What use to me the beauty of the flowers when our own is already faded?
What good are my feelings for you, if our love has been destroyed?

You are silent.
you know any answers.
Because you find yourself a long time ago on your own paths, see only your own horizon; dedicate up new flowers, no longer makes sense for our love have destroyed.

I have long fought.
for you.
for me.
for us.
But we have not made it.
We have lost.


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