Monday, January 31, 2011

2010 Mondeo Brake Pads

I have long fought.
up for.
for me.
for us.
long I was hoping that we will.
And find us.

As a band we were both connected to each other, but this band has now been severed. Now each of us is alone and has to go its own way. A difficult road ahead. An uncertain path.
a way without you.

the deep ties that bound us once is to slowly stop verflogen.Wir they can not. How colorful balloons ascend into the infinity of the sky, never to return. We look wistfully afterwards. Until nothing remains.
Now each of us is alone in the sky and looks in its own horizon, risk a tentative look into the distance.
A fearful view. An uncertain look. A view without you.
The great feelings we felt for each other are spoiled. Like beautiful flowers that bloom in the wind down herwiegen and until they eventually fade, because it has forgotten to water them enough.
are unexplainable feelings. Uncertain feelings.
feelings for you.

And I ask you: What Sense has a way when I need him to go without you?
What use to me the vastness of the sky, if I must live without you in it?
What use to me the beauty of the flowers when our own is already faded?
What good are my feelings for you, if our love has been destroyed?

You are silent.
you know any answers.
Because you find yourself a long time ago on your own paths, see only your own horizon; dedicate up new flowers, no longer makes sense for our love have destroyed.

I have long fought.
for you.
for me.
for us.
But we have not made it.
We have lost.

Wikihow How To Be Anorexic

crazy child

"deep inside
I'm a little kid, slashing the
his Teddy,

only to see about 'why not
knocking his heart.

I'm that crazy kid,
start running it, embrace

for life,
the falls, gets up and goes on
with bruised knee.

this strange child,

the hope is
and believe in true love. "

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blood Work Clinics Toronto

The change

Sometimes we have to go through dark times. These times are dominated by gloomy feelings of hopelessness and despair that we want to rob all our strength and hope. It is these times, ending in which words and tears begin. Where people change and feelings, and bring our otherwise orderly life upside down. Where hopes burst like soap bubbles. Where there are common goals to transform into an unattainable dream. Where losing sight radiance and voices silenced. Where love ends and break hearts.
And suddenly we see the world only through a veil, no more eye for beauty, no joy for what we had always used to smile. And great fear of what may come.
Maybe we hoped very much. Very fought. And very loved. All the more tragic when we have to see, finally, that we futile dreams are chased. And are finally arrived at the point andem we feel that we have reached the end. The end of this story.
Then it's Time to let go. So that we can begin a new story.
What remains is the pain.
she knows it. She, who must still weeping, think back to her story. Again and again and again. And the memories they seem to eat, drive their new tears in the face until she falls asleep exhausted and the next morning as exhausted wakes up. For they know for sure: This story has reached its final end. There is no sequel. There is no repetition.
There is no going back.
So they can not do anything more. Except wait.
Wait for the winter goes away, and with it their pain that feels so cold in her chest.
Wait for the spring returns, and with it her smile, as timid as the first buds in the soil.
Wait for the summer and wakes him with her new-born energy with which they run through fields of flowers and can jump over streams.
waiting for the sun, with which it can radiate to the bet.
Waiting for new love. To new stories. Waiting for a miracle.

And one day, all of a sudden they're back, those happy times that we live so much. These times are marked by wonderful feelings of love, friendship and happiness, give us new strength and hope. It is these times, ending in which words and laughter begins. Where people and emotions come together to make something special occur. Where fears burst like soap bubbles. Where's goals to transform common dreams. Where can her eyes beam and voices are interrupted by kisses. Where love begins and hearts are healed.

The they are, these bright periods. continue
This very special times, for it is always worthwhile.
she knows it.
so she hopes. So she fights. So she never gives up.
you until the sun appears. And it seems right to the heart.
Then they know for sure: They're back, those happy times. Finally.

Red Circle In Baby Eye


... and the new KRAGENschmeichler I then also made ...
... and myself of course ;-) times a
... new materials are also already arrived ... Well there has to serve my little
Lady again until it glows ;-)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Web Page Welcome Message Example

For the loyal companion ... In the snow

Well, and now there are even dog collars as unique:)))
... The new Hach Nähmschine runs and runs and runs ...
and above all, it has no problem with leather ... wonderful ...
To all a good start to the week and cuddling your faithful companion

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Crab Mallet Wedding Favors

My first exhibition in 2011: 05.-06. February 2011

Hello my dear readers,

I'm back on tour. My 1st Bear Fair in Friolzheim in Pforzheim calls and I'm doing "night shifts, beary :)))"

Look, maybe you come visit me and the bears again:

This is a totally fair schnuggelige small bear with a very nice top exhibitors and organizers of love - can I highly recommend it!

Until then, dear Grüßle Beate

Simple Room Rent Form

A thank

Since then I have the Love Ina on her blog
( presented, this blog in the last few days has grown.
I was pretty surprised.
And pretty happy.
For some people may be 35 not a big number, but for me it means a lot.
For this blog it means a lot.

why I would like to take this opportunity to every individual Thank readers!
Thank you for reading my texts.
Thank you so sweet comments.
just thank that you are here.
I'm crazy over you.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Planning A Scout Weekend

The true face

She looked him in the face. Desperately trying to read from it. What he thought at that moment? What he felt in that moment? Which language spoke his heart that night?

She wanted to know it absolutely. She wants to know more. But they failed. And the failure is something that will not keep you in the future saves.
because the man she loves, wears a mask.
And his real face is hidden from it.
She kept wondering who the man she believes to love so dearly?
What kind of person he is? On what he thinks? To what he doubts? In what hopes his heart?

What hides behind the man with the mask? Is he really a soulful, sensitive man? Does he perhaps even the same fears and concerns as they?
he has similar hopes and dreams?
What is behind the man who shows so emotionless? Did he in fact a vulnerable soul? Sometimes he feels just as fragile and weak?
There are so many questions they would like to ask him. But she knows that she no response is received. For he pulls his mask does not. Not for them. Instead, he keeps playing his game, while his true self remains hidden in the dark.
And she can only imagine what is hiding behind it.
She has no doubt that he is a man with two faces.
But is it really so wrong?
Have we not all two faces?

Be honest with you. How often have you tried with success to be something which you are not? How often have you stood in front of your mirror and you have asked who is this girl that you faced there with a smile?
it was a real smile? If it was the smile that came from your heart? Or was it the smile of your mask? The mask that you put on to hide your true feelings. The mask to protect you from the world. So that the world does not see who you really are and what you feel honestly. So people can not imagine that you're not happy today. The mask that hides your face from the outside world. It's your face. It is your true face.
During the second face is nothing more than a facade. The facade of yourself

You say you are okay. Although it is a lie.
You smile. Although you want to scream.
You start to laugh. Although you want to cry.
You show up combative. Although you have already given up.
You carry your jokes. Although torments of grief.
You rejoice over the day. Although each hour has become a burden.
You show the world your face. Although it is not your true face.

Certainly each of us has shown schonmal someone he is not.
A cheerful man, perhaps, while screaming inside us all.
But why do that? Why can not we be as simple as we are?

I think most people find it very difficult to admit that they are doing poorly. This is understandable. Can we ever allow it because we have to show weakness?
May we show our tears? May we the world reveal that our heart is bleeding?

Surely we should but we do not do this.
Because we want to be proud of.
We want to be strong.
We want our fragile, vulnerable side to hide from the world. Because too often we feel that the world does not want to see this page. And see not.
It is expected that we are strong.
We should be strong.
We must be strong.
And finally we are.

And so we put on our masks and go through the world.
But there are people for whom it is worthwhile to drop the mask.
And there are people who look after our facade and realize our true feelings. These people deserve that we are honest with them. We can finally drop and can be as we want. With all the feelings.
It is a sign of strength to can also show weakness. Admitting that one is not always the strong person for whom one is always kept. Admit that not everything is perfect. Admit that there is a second face.

because the evidence of true greatness and strength.

So, put the mask.

Let me just once look into your soul. Only this one time show me who you really are. Show me what you feel. Show me what you think. Show me what your heart speaks.

Show me your true face.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Can Peroxide Determine Genital Warts

And then finally broke at home ...
wars beautiful ...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kidney Stones Why Men Get It

A sign of life luiban ...

Yes, we're still alive! Between Christmas and jahresanfänglichem fair visits we finally found an opportunity for an entry. Our first "real" year luiban is now over. We appreciate the keen interest, encouragement and the many suggestions we have received. For this to big thank you!

Since November, we ship all orders within 48 hours and serve all living in Switzerland and Austria (other countries on request).
way: New Masking Tape designs are on their way from Japan to our camp .... also the year 2011 will be exciting!

Train of Thought from Leo Bridle on Vimeo .

Friday, January 7, 2011

Washer Toss Board Dimensions


Hello my dear readers, I wish you all a healthy , happy and of course bearish and creative New Year and hope you're slipped well and I am totally in 2011 to blogging with you:)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Onyx And Bathrooms Problems

There lies before us.

There are always times in our lives where we need to recognize painful that the farewell is one of them. The departure of a man who no longer is good for us. The departure of a friendship that has gone to sleep. The departure of a love that has gone out. The departure of old habits and customs. The farewell to the era that is over. The departure of one year, which now belongs to the past.
Sometimes we have to let go. And goodbye. It can hurt. And it does hurt.
But these goodbyes are a fact of life. Without taking leave, it would be no life.
Sometimes we have to separate. Of people. Friendships. Of feelings. Of certain concepts and ideas. And sometimes from dreams.
It hurts. It really does.
But while we are still painfully busy to let go, the new stands at the door. It is waiting for us. Because it does not stand still, this life. Never. It goes on. Over and over again. And while to close, other doors, opens a window somewhere else. Or new doors. Doors that we may have seen it before. Doors that remained closed to us before.
It's the new year, which is now before us. It resembles a huge, colorful piñata. And it is full of surprises. It will bring new people with them. New feelings. New friendships. New concepts and ideas. And new dreams.
Many colorful surprises that await us.
We should be excited.
Unfortunately, we can also become angry, sinister surprises lie in store for us.
We need to be taken.

But all that will happen, will have its meaning.
as we can be hopeful in particular.

In this sense I wish you all the best for 2011!
