Monday, May 17, 2010

Swot In The Beauty Dalon

Ohto - One-sheet separator

could in our view, the revolutionary Ohto A-sheet paper cutter we do not distinguish at first glance from a normal pen. Even after removing the protective cap, the function is clearly not the same, because the device looks very similar to a marker. Only at very close inspection we could all see at the top of the tiny, white Ceramics blade. The blade is really high technology, with almost no pressure glide the "pen" over the paper and cut effortlessly through our paper samples. Tight curves and creative, spontaneous cuts - that everything happens very easily by the hand and makes a lot of fun.

How does the A-sheet paper cutter compared to a conventional Cutter? Well, the advantage of the cutter is immediately apparent: that is so important for the cutting tip are clearly visible. Precise cuts and also set the drag on a ruler along succeed so completely for granted. On the other hand, the steel blade, however, benefit from very fast. This is anyway not minor violations risk further increases, because to be strengthened with increasing bluntness of the pressure has to decrease and control. In contrast, the ceramic blade of the Ohto A-sheet paper cutter remains a long hot (we have seen in our studies, did not wear) and the cuts succeed very clean and easy. For us, the work but a little getting used to, because the blade itself in cutting can not be seen, then the precision of the blade to expose more a matter of feeling, the sense of touch rather than be subject to review by the eye. For us, it means that your cutting changed very quickly - a more intuitive and fun and makes it more and more creative fun. As with the steel cutter is way easier to work with short-fibred materials and fine paper.

The low depth of cut the risk of injury when Ohto A-sheet paper cutter is extremely low. In the courageous self-experimentation, we have just managed to scratch the skin surface without bloodshed. Although the "pin" is potentially hazardous as a children's scissors, we recommend that the cutting is left unattended to give to children. We recommend the way, not to give in spite of the low depth of cut on a cutting mat - your table, we thank you ;-)

In the following we want to just show what we have done so on the fly. You see, we associate with no experience and are not necessarily the artistic sensibility ... However, we found that at this point was to show what practical:

We have just briefly played around with simple copy paper. This was the first trial and is (as always) with no planning.

In the second experiment, we have taken only a little copy paper, cut out an oval and are connected to the "pen" rumgefahren, so that everything remained in one piece. Then fold up the pieces and see how light and shadow play :-)

The A-sheet paper cutter is in his white-gray with silver imprint Plasikkleid sure no design miracle. As a small, mobile high-tech cutter but he is clearly the ideal tool for your own creative and spontaneous designs from paper.


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