Friday, May 21, 2010

Just Cheddar Chex Mix

Ohto Raconte - brush pen with a difference

Raconte "tells". Here again - as so often in Ohto - the name says, for the Raconte develops his potential with sufficient time and peace - then tell you not only words but also the strokes, the sometimes energetic, sometimes playful or timid other levels of meaning can easily transfer.

The slim Raconte is anything but an ordinary pen. The inking of the matted aluminum pen takes place over a very unusual tip. These few square millimeters tip seems like the child of a liaison with a felt-tip pen Brush lady. As the marker is known, the paint is the broader, more oblique, the pin is held the last end, in turn, acts rather like a paintbrush and is provided with very fine, flexible bristles;. Thus allowing the Raconte painterly strokes with the finest implement a uniform application of color. This unusual combination supports the delicate calligraphic works extremely important for fine control.

Compared to the classical brush pen proves the Raconte than everyday use. Its peak is more robust and allows a familiar pen storage as well as the typical brush handle. Although limited, the maximum line width of about 3 mm of the one bit of expression, calls on the other hand, for example, the classic Ohto brush pen at a much greater scope for stroke and painting techniques have an almost meditative attitude. In addition, the Raconte supported by its simple and functional design emphasized a flexible application of writing and painting techniques very much. He is suitable for less experienced artists to write for real professionals, enabling them to give for example in the caption of greeting cards and table cards or the personal correspondence of their personalities and their emotions full expression.

If you prefer a different way, stem diameter: Ohto it has established that the mines of Raconte in the Liberty series can be used.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Are Sallie Mae Costs Deductable

no value anywhere? To the panel discussion "Old Values - New Values" at the WG 10:05:10

(of left: Hendrik Poschmann, Dr. Wolfgang Linger Busch, Dr. Thomas Gatzemann, Prof. Dr. German, Father Fritz Wiegand OP, Jan-Peter Moehle)

Four experts from the fields of theology, psychology, pedagogy and philosophy were a guest in the WG and discussed values and their importance today.
From the perspective of Father Fritz 'from the monastery of St. Albertus Magnus is also the default values of the church is not constant, but must be reinterpreted by each generation. Philosophically, it seems
according to Dr. Wolfgang Linger Busch (TU Braunschweig) values as such do not exist. What we are defined by this term, but standards and goals we set ourselves. A Value in general, the importance has been a specific action in relation to themselves and others when eating, and therefore purely dependent on the individual and not generally to be formulated.
also educationist Dr. Thomas Gatzemann (TU Braunschweig) was of the view that each person builds his own model of values, live by he wants but it has been in our society has always been the problem that such development by outside pressure is complicated and manipulated. In addition, a certain level of education and instruction is necessary to identify the correct values.
The developmental psychologist Prof. Dr. Werner German (TU Braunschweig) is contrary to the. He believes that every person his own principles or values alone, and must choose to recognize. This had to be in any case in direct confrontation to defend, because only then could be developed personal values. Just this authenticity is lacking, according to German in today's society, which is also visible in politics.
The conversation soon struck up a very philosophical direction, the frame did not argue well. Although little has been discussed on youth and criticized by many values decline, but the round was in my opinion a much more interesting conclusion:
There are no general values, no standardized guidelines that we can shape our lives. Values are much more a combination of tradition and reason in education and private thinking, social environment and of individuality. They make up the character, and everyone needs to develop new for themselves, the values to which men are called in everyday life, not as standards, partly out of date.
So who continues to claim that the youth of today would have no more values to which one can confidently reply that we do have values, but just our own. Or that there is such thing as values does not exist and never has been.
It remains to say is that this one was very stimulating and Jan-Peter and Moehle Hendrik Poschmann (Wilhelm-Gymnasium, born 13 and 12) well moderated discussion group on the is also in retrospect could still worry, and finally settled but still each participant to be carried away, to name three values that he personally considers to be important, regardless of the philosophical context, such as Father Fritz, who according to the values Paul called: faith, hope and love.

Phil Cologne, Class 12

Monday, May 17, 2010

Swot In The Beauty Dalon

Ohto - One-sheet separator

could in our view, the revolutionary Ohto A-sheet paper cutter we do not distinguish at first glance from a normal pen. Even after removing the protective cap, the function is clearly not the same, because the device looks very similar to a marker. Only at very close inspection we could all see at the top of the tiny, white Ceramics blade. The blade is really high technology, with almost no pressure glide the "pen" over the paper and cut effortlessly through our paper samples. Tight curves and creative, spontaneous cuts - that everything happens very easily by the hand and makes a lot of fun.

How does the A-sheet paper cutter compared to a conventional Cutter? Well, the advantage of the cutter is immediately apparent: that is so important for the cutting tip are clearly visible. Precise cuts and also set the drag on a ruler along succeed so completely for granted. On the other hand, the steel blade, however, benefit from very fast. This is anyway not minor violations risk further increases, because to be strengthened with increasing bluntness of the pressure has to decrease and control. In contrast, the ceramic blade of the Ohto A-sheet paper cutter remains a long hot (we have seen in our studies, did not wear) and the cuts succeed very clean and easy. For us, the work but a little getting used to, because the blade itself in cutting can not be seen, then the precision of the blade to expose more a matter of feeling, the sense of touch rather than be subject to review by the eye. For us, it means that your cutting changed very quickly - a more intuitive and fun and makes it more and more creative fun. As with the steel cutter is way easier to work with short-fibred materials and fine paper.

The low depth of cut the risk of injury when Ohto A-sheet paper cutter is extremely low. In the courageous self-experimentation, we have just managed to scratch the skin surface without bloodshed. Although the "pin" is potentially hazardous as a children's scissors, we recommend that the cutting is left unattended to give to children. We recommend the way, not to give in spite of the low depth of cut on a cutting mat - your table, we thank you ;-)

In the following we want to just show what we have done so on the fly. You see, we associate with no experience and are not necessarily the artistic sensibility ... However, we found that at this point was to show what practical:

We have just briefly played around with simple copy paper. This was the first trial and is (as always) with no planning.

In the second experiment, we have taken only a little copy paper, cut out an oval and are connected to the "pen" rumgefahren, so that everything remained in one piece. Then fold up the pieces and see how light and shadow play :-)

The A-sheet paper cutter is in his white-gray with silver imprint Plasikkleid sure no design miracle. As a small, mobile high-tech cutter but he is clearly the ideal tool for your own creative and spontaneous designs from paper.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

What Kind Of Icing Does Buddy Use

Ohto - "bag"

"pocket" comes - as you suspect correctly - really of pocket. The choice of name, it was explained to us, is related to the enthusiasm of some Japanese for the German or German-speaking terms. These will be illustrated here, where they feel particularly comfortable writing instruments, namely, in shirt pockets, blouse pockets, bags, handbags ... . So that works too, all the pins of the serial "pocket" just as long to four inches and can easily be stored anywhere. All come with a protective cap, so we are protected against the one that the pins leave unwanted scribbles everywhere, on the other is thought that the cap when Letter extending the pin is pushed back and so the fact something to extend short pen. A black O-ring on the pin end ensures good grip. All writing instruments are manufactured in lightweight aluminum and the details of nickel plated brass or steel. The caps are lightweight and have little influence after the attachment of the deep center of gravity.

The Japanese cult pen comes as an ink roller, pencil or pen in four color combinations: silver, black-silver, blue and silver and pink and silver. "Simply press a plan," reads the Druckbleisitft: Ohto , known for sophisticated technical refinements, has ensured that the nib of the fine lead pencil with and without a plugged-cap is comfortable to use. The ink roller is equipped with the much vaunted particularly smooth-running ceramic ball, ensuring evenly until last for rich color application. The pen can be equipped with the standard Part Ronen and comes with a proprietary Ohto steel spring. All of them are preparing a very good writing feel, are easy and extremely convenient for travel.

As so often in life come the pocket with a little bad news. Ohtos main focus is on providing outstanding technology for as little money and must be received while one or the other compromises in the production quality of the posts. Thus, the pens are due to the thin material is a little sensitive to impact and we have here and there small irregularities discovered in the paint - you could also write the unit will soon have a unique look and feel, and thus becomes your very own piece of ( without sacrificing quality of writing). The quality of our KaWeCo Luxe devices is because, although of a different class, but who would like to have this precious pens will expose the strains inside a bag? Since this is where the "pocket" are reliable, practical and extremely günsitge companion. went

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What Are Some Slow Songs To Juke Off Of ?

Ohto - Nippon Light-pen

Last weekend after our playful crafts hour Masking Tape Japanese right back to us. This time "Ohto" was the magic word. Ohto since 1929, Tokyo established company that had employed from the beginning with ink and staining methods, and claims to be, in 1949 the world's first roller ball and as a result, further improvements developed in the world of writing instruments have and continue to do research at the forefront.

For us and the visitors to our stores Ohto is not unknown, so we have the brilliant power clipper the practical Japan clips the Rollerball "Words" and Kalligrahie affinity brush pen in program, all of which enjoy growing popularity.

Last week we finally received so little package with an admittedly true writing instruments (and a pen-shaped device that does just as if ...), which not very Japanese-sounding names like "pocket" , listen Liberty , FINE and "Raconte" . All have in common is that they are built very easily and thus move with the same light as a feather and extremely reliable paint on the paper.

place in the next few days, we wonder from the Japanese works from the Ohto workshop piece by piece. Be surprised.

Monday, May 10, 2010

How To Use Numark Tt Usb With Audacity

"Time Change" - a project of the theater groups at the WG

With great expectations we visited at the premiere of the anniversary of the play "Time Change" (May 5, 2010). These were met and now we'd like more detail about it.
The play takes us through the history of education from 1885 to the present. The play has with some very comedic parts, but also shows some scenes that make you think. Whether it is the conflict between Hitler Youth / BDM and the migrant birds or the "Bravo generation" goes - the actors in each scene show the necessary seriousness and play their role very convincing, giving the piece a certain authenticity.
The male actors were not afraid to hang black lipstick and eyeliner to get in their role as, for example, "Emo" or "Goth" einzufinden.
Much applause was given the school band for their musical accompaniment of the piece. The scene was accompanied by matching our experienced technicians.
Overall, the theater production of "time change" very successful and we encourage anyone to look at the piece.

more information about the piece:
and in the print edition of the WGtariers, which will be published soon.

Julia Weber and Denise Wulff, class 10