Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Is There A Way To Check Plate Availablikty

Open House: Our reporter led fourth-graders through the WG

When I arrived at 17 clock at the meeting point in the Wilhelm-Gymnasium were already many of the helpers there. We all got a sign with our name and our class that we should spread to us. Given a T-shirt imprinted with "Wilhelm-Gymnasium". I was not nervous because I had already helped last year, but I still looked forward to the upcoming evening.
around 17.30 clock finally were all there, it could launch the first guide. Since we are one of the last groups of children led through the house, we had time and talked with friends and welcomed incoming children and their parents. When we to 18 clock on the steps lined up and were looking out for children, it was hectic. "How many children do we need?" "When can we go wrong?" "I hope we do not lose!" Went with 25 fourth-graders it go.
The first goal was the art room. To the children do not like to scare so we made a trip to England earlier exchange. In art, Mr. Kuttig and Mr. Wolf had created a paint program where our group tried.
for many was the highlight of the gym. "Exercise is good," was the motto. The great hall of the main building was filled with hockey sticks and balls, boats and canoe roller skates. It was added in a second group, and we thought: "The children we never again get sorted apart," In the end we actually had two more children, though they were sent by their parents to the group.
Also in the physics labs, the group was still very interested and has participated well. We were a total of nine stations that the children, our impression have liked. I too was great fun to show the fourth graders, the rooms of our school. However, I was afterwards done correctly and also broken! After we brought the children back into the refectory, and to their parents, the evening in a happy mood be resolved.
Lena Bartosch


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